

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-03-01Advancing understanding of Cumulative Impacts on European marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services for human wellbeing ACTNOWparticipant10.632.00035
2023-02-01Linking population genomic and behavioural data to test fundamental hypotheses of sexually antagonistic coevolution. PopGenSexConcoordinator206.8881
2023-01-01Building REsilience against MEntal illness during ENDocrine-sensitive life stages Re-MENDparticipant10.401.95616
2023-01-01AI4SoilHealth: Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology to support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory AI4SoilHealthparticipant9.960.35829
2023-01-01Extreme Food Risk Analytics EFRAparticipant4.833.7989
2023-01-01Investigating mammalian evolution using million-year genomic transects PrimiGenomescoordinator2.500.0001
2022-12-01WorldTrans - TRANSPARENT ASSESSMENTS FOR REAL PEOPLE WorldTransparticipant4.635.52510
2022-10-01Rebalancing disruptivE Business of multinAtional corporation and gLobal value chAins within democratic and iNClusive citizenship processes REBALANCEparticipant2.326.1868
2022-10-01Long-TREC: The Long-Reads Transcriptomics European Consortium. The next generation transcriptome biology revealed by single molecule sequencing technologies LongTRECparticipant2.629.13829
2022-10-01The Generations and Gender Programme Preparatory Phase Project GGP-5Dparticipant2.999.99815
2022-10-01Mapping inequalities through the life course MapIneqparticipant3.305.2958
2022-10-01Nature for insurance, and insurance for nature NATURANCEparticipant3.206.6889
2022-09-19Emotion Language in Italian: Change in Texts and time ELICITcoordinator203.8521
2022-09-01CLOUD Doctoral Network CLOUD-DOCparticipant2.673.69119
2022-09-01A holistic approach in patient management and epidemic surveillance through convergence of diagnostic technologies, capacity building and stakeholder engagement HoliCareparticipant5.857.77414
2022-09-01NUTRIBUDGET - Optimisation of nutrient budget in agriculture. NutriBudgetparticipant7.004.83617
2022-09-01Non-CO2 Forcers and their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts FOCIparticipant6.470.97417
2022-09-01Identification of chemical and biological determinants, their sources, and strategies to promote healthier homes in Europe INQUIREparticipant7.830.78720
2022-09-01Plastic litter in macrophyte system: environmental fate and ecological implications SCRAPcoordinator191.8521
2022-09-01Foundation of Nonrelativistic String Theory and Its Applications to Holography NRSTcoordinator191.8521
2022-08-01From Household Allocations to Global Inequality: New Methods, Facts and Policy Implications UNEQUALWITHINcoordinator1.999.9642
2022-07-01Emerging pests and pathogens as a novel lens for unravelling social-ecological cascades INFLUXcoordinator1.499.7051
2022-06-01Partnership for european research in radiation protection and detection of ionising radiation : towards a safer use and improved protection of the environment and human health. PIANOFORTEparticipant29.414.41158
2022-06-01Wetland restoration for the future ALFAwetlandsparticipant7.967.11515
2022-05-01Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals PARCparticipant200.000.000199
2022-04-01Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Tools for understanding Land Governance InSiTe-LandGovcoordinator265.9572
2022-01-01Performing Citizenship. Social and Political Agency in Non-Professional Theatre Practice in Germany, France, Britain, Sweden and Switzerland (1780-1850) P-CITIZENSparticipant2.393.7503
2022-01-01Tacking informal employment in Asia: building post-COV19 solutions to precariousness through case-study based evidence on Bhutan, Laos, Maldives, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam LABOURparticipant1.545.60015
2021-10-01ZeroPM: Zero pollution of Persistent, Mobile substances ZeroPMparticipant11.616.60616
2021-10-01E Pluribus Unum: Principles and Plasticity of Electrical Coupling in a Neuronal Network TOGETHERcoordinator2.222.1611
2021-10-01Advanced Methodologies for Next Generation Large Scale CMB Polarization Analysis CMB-INFLATEparticipant1.140.80016
2021-10-01Exploring the Cosmos with the Vera Rubin Observatory CosmicExplorercoordinator2.498.5651
2021-09-01Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems NextGEMSparticipant11.000.00027
2021-09-01Climate relevant interactions and feedbacks: the key role of sea ice and snow in the polar and global climate system CRiceSparticipant7.999.26622
2021-08-01Gases in Water GAS-WATcoordinator2.295.6251
2021-08-01Nonlinear Optomechanics for Verification, Utility and Sensing NOVUScoordinator203.8521
2021-06-01Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems BRIDGE-BSparticipant8.999.87833
2021-06-01The Hot-Coal hypothesis of working memory Hot-Coal WMparticipant1.498.9572
2021-05-01Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils HoliSoilsparticipant9.999.92021
2021-05-01Soil MIcrobial responses to land use and climatic changes in the Light of Evolution SMILEcoordinator1.688.2501
2021-04-01NEutron Capture-enhanced Treatment of neurotoxic Amyloid aggRegates NECTARparticipant3.137.5638
2021-03-01european weather Extremes: DrIvers, Predictability and Impacts EDIPIparticipant3.813.0909
2021-03-01Electron Nanocrystallography NanEDparticipant3.936.3128
2021-01-01Europe’s Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age EQUALS-EUparticipant1.641.00419
2021-01-01Long LAsting BATtery LOLABATparticipant7.080.21621
2021-01-01Research and Innovation Strategy for the CIVIS Alliance RIS4CIVISparticipant1.999.7958
2021-01-01A Better Life for the Children of Exile: Intergenerational Adaptation of the Descendants of Refugees REFU-GENcoordinator1.406.2371
2021-01-01Health Equity and its Economic Determinants (HEED): A Pan-European Microsimulation model for Health impacts of Income and Social Security Policies HEEDparticipant1.499.7733
2021-01-01Mapping The Neolithic Expansion In The Mediterranean: A Scientific Collective To Promote Archaeogenomics And Evolutionary Biology Research In Turkey NEOMATRIXparticipant884.4254
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